Fire Pit - Safety Tips

Adding a fire pit is a great way to extend the use of your outdoor living space each year.   By adding a fire pit you can start spending more time outdoors earlier in the spring and later in the fall and create an inviting living space.

However, there are a few safety rules you should consider when installing a fire pit and when using it.

Fire Pit - Installation Safety

  1. Build On Even Ground - This is important from a seating standpoint as you don't want your guests to tip towards the fire.  But it is also important because you want to avoid letting the fire escape the fire pit area.
  2. Create Space - When deciding on placement for your fire pit make sure to build at least 10 feet from your home and the nearest tree, fence, or other flammable items.
  3. Choose Stones Wisely - Use stones that are rough and dry.  Using stones that maintain moisture, such as river stones, can be dangerous as these stones can explode and cause serious injury.

Fire Pit - Guest Safety

  1. Avoid Accelerants - Gasoline or lighter fluid can escape the fire pit putting your home and your guests at risk.  Instead always use firewood and kindling that can be contained within the confines of the fire pit.
  2. Plan For The Worst - Make sure there is a fire extinguisher of some sort near to hand.  This can be a fire extinguisher, a bucket of sand or even your garden hose. This way if something does go wrong you can be ready immediately.
  3. Educate Your Guest - This is especially important with young children.  In addition keep an eye on guests as the evening progresses. Also keep an eye on your pets.
  4. Never Leave the Fire Unattended - Even if it appears to be out, unless it is cool to the touch there is still a danger of fire. Never leave the fire unattended.

If you are interesting in creating an outdoor living space with a fire pit but would like professional help creating it, call today.