4 Season Land Care

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National Lawn Care Month

Can you believe it is almost April?  Did you know that April is National Lawn Care Month.  These days it seems that there is a National day or month for just about everything.  But when you think about it your lawn truly is one of the most important parts of your family life.  

Whether it is simply enjoying that moment you pull up to the house to a well maintained yard or bigger events such as watching your toddler wobble their way across your lawn, your older children play chase or your teenager gathering for pre-prom photos, your lawn is an important extension of your home.

But did you know that a well maintained lawn can protect you and your family from disease carrying insects such as ticks, mosquitoes, fleas and fire ants?  

A well maintained lawn can also help reduce allergy symptoms as many of these allergies are related to uncontrolled weeds.  

In addition to making our own homes safer and more comfortable, a well maintained landscape can help weed out invasive grasses, plants and insects that kill our native plants and trees. Protecting our trees and plants from these invasive species is not just good for our families but for our entire community.

Taking care of our landscape means that our children can enjoy the outdoors more.  Trees, grasses, and plants clean the air getting rid of pollutants and making our outdoor living more comfortable and of course, they help to protect one of our most precious resources, the Chesapeake Bay.

How can we help you keep your landscape well maintained throughout the year? Call today to schedule a quote - 443-794-8138