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Holes In Yard or Flower Beds?

What are these holes in my flowerbeds or yard?

Mole Hole

Mole Hole

Our customers call us on a daily basis about the holes in their yard or flower beds. Unfortunately there are a lot of things that could be causing the problem.  

It could be kids, your dog, squirrels, groundhogs, or voles. Unless you actually see it happen though, it is mind boggling. Where do they come from and what damage are they causing?

 Luckily there are clues that help us figure out these issues.


Vole Hole

Vole Hole

Follow the Clues

Mole, vole and insect holes are usually throughout the yard.  But each animal digs differently, leaving different clues.  Mole holes are covered by a hill of dirt, while vole holes are not.  Both of these holes are bigger than holes left by worms and birds.  Whereas Groundhog hole are much easier to spot as they are several times bigger than the biggest mole hole.

Be careful when excavating these holes to find the cause though as some of them may be made by wasps looking for a place to lay eggs.

Earthworm Hole

Earthworm Hole

The location of the hole might also be a clue. Holes nearer to trees may be chipmunks or worse, rats.  Holes in your flower bed could be squirrels or birds looking for food.  This time of year you might also notice a lot more 1-inch holes left by earthworms who are particularly.  Earthworms are easy to suss out by looking for a granular hill around their holes.

And finally mother nature herself may be the cause.  Water running away from your home may create a stream underneath your yard leading to a cave in.

If you need help discovering or solving your issue, please call us