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Edible Container Garden

We have written before about using containers to add color to porches, patios and decks.  But have you considered creating an edible container garden amongst your flowers?

While flowers are gorgeous, adding edibles to your garden are a  practical way to add greenery that you can use in your kitchen.

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5 Fruits and Vegetables to Grow in Your Container Garden

1. Herbs - If you are only going to add one sort of edible, we suggest starting with herbs such as basil, thyme, rosemary or mint.  These may also be moved inside when the season ends as long as they receive enough light.

2. Lettuces - If you want to add something that makes you feel a little more like a proper gardener, try lettuces. You may be surprised by the variety of lettuces you can grown, adding both taste and color to your container garden. Speaking of taste, nothing compares to the taste difference between home grown lettuces and store bought.  You will be amazed.

3. Squash - Many people think of squash as needing a lot of room.  However, if you use a bigger, taller pot you will get draping vines.  The great thing about growing squash is that it is very hardy and can grow just about anywhere.

4. Peppers - Peppers serve two purposes in your container garden.  First they are delicious and can be added to so many dishes throughout the season.  But just as importantly they add color and shape to your garden.  However, keep in mind they need a lot of light.  Make sure to put them in a bigger pot so they are not shaded by the other plants in your garden.

5. Sugar Snap Peas - Like lettuces there is a night and day difference in taste of home grown and store bought peas. Although peas are easy to grow and like squash will grow just about anywhere, keep in mind that you will need a small trellis to allow the peas to grow.

Do you already have an edible container garden? If so what do you grow in it? Share your photos and stories by email